Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation(TM) allows you to discover that below the layers of chattering, insistent thoughts and preoccupations in your mind there is a realm of profound calm and peace.
The technique has been verified scientifically by over 600 studies; it’s been experientially verified by almost six million people; and it has passed the test of time as an effective technology for developing full potential.
As a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, I have trained thousands of Irish people in personal development/stress management via the technique. I have taught TM to the general public, to businesspeople, in corporate settings, to professional sportspeople, within the Irish prison system and more recently in the Northern Ireland school system.
The Transcendental Meditation technique is a means of liberating human potential and natural creativity, buried in most people beneath layers of accumulated stress, anxiety and fatigue.
Submitted by: JohnBurns
Hits: 370
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