learnpipe.ie - Ireland's Training Course Search Engine
learnpipe is a training search site. Our aim is to make it much, much easier for you to find your next training course / or a provider that focuses on a particular area / technology.
We help you find what you want. What makes us different is that we're specialised - we only focus on training. It can be anything from Java Programming to Project Management to Yoga classes. We don't mind, once its training related.
Training can be delivered in any format - instructor led / eLearning / mentored / DVD / etc. - again, we really don't mind.
learnpipe crawls the training market so that we have a deep understanding of what's available from the Global Providers to the one-man bands. We love them all! But we're very different from most training sites because we don't actually sell training courses, courseware or anything else.
Submitted by: learnpipe
Hits: 434
Visit learnpipe.ie - Ireland's Training Course Search Engine.