Comfort Keepers Home Care
Comfort Keepers helps older people remain independnet in the comfort of their own home. At Comfort Keepers our
mission is to provide your loved one with the highest quality of life that is achievable. We treat each of our clients with the respect and dignity they deserve, as though we were caring for a member of our own family. Older people
who are able to remain in their own homes are happier, healthier and enjoy a better quality of life.
How do we provide top quality care?
• A person-centred rather than task-based approach to our care;
• Designing individual personalised care plans formulated by
our Client Care Managers who are all trained nurses or social
workers. This ensures care is provided in the safest, most
respectful and least restrictive way;
• Recruiting, background checking and retaining the best
carers to ensure reliable and consistent care;
• Training our carers to the highest level in the industry so that
your loved one is safely cared for;
• Always striving for consistent staffing and continuity of care
that allows a strong bond to develop between the carer and
your loved one;
• Rigorous quality control mechanisms such as constant monitoring,
frequent carer and client reviews, satisfaction questionnaires
and completion of our own internal audits ensures a
high quality of care;
• Provision of a 24 hour on-call service to cater for clients' and
carers needs.
Submitted by: bobpower
Hits: 488
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