Window Replacement Dublin
In order to lower your heating bills, you need to start by replacing your old windows with new double glazed, A-rated uPVC Windows.
We will check the size of your windows, supply and fit new one for you. We will take off old windows and prepare for the new installation. New windows will be installed same day - so no need to worry over security. We will also finish out all areas damaged by windows replacement.
Our windows are manufactured in Ireland to the highest Irish standards providing total security, noise reduction and thermal efficiency - A Rated - certificate provided.
Our strict protocol is to always finish what we have started on time.
We guarantee you an excellent quality.
100% happy clients. Best references.
Polish team with 35 years of experience - over 8 years in Ireland.
No job to small or to big.
CALL US NOW! 0879451486 ask for Shamy
or call to the office 087 362 3909 Ask for Anna!
(Added: Mon Nov 17 2014 Hits: 217 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0)
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Window Replacement Dublin